To have an active growth oriented non-traditional Guild within the International
To educate employed physicians on the content and effectiveness of the National Labor Relations Act
To educate employed physicians on the content and effectiveness of the National Labor Relations Act and its benefits to employed physicians
To promote the traditional and non-traditional Guilds as the Voice of Modern Medicine
To promote the traditional and non-traditional Guilds as the Voice of Modern Medicine speaking on behalf of the rights that medical professionals have to practice their professions in a manner that is in the best interest of the patient and the best interest of the member
Positioning of The Guild with Local and International Unions
To develop programs through which the members of the Guild can become the medical professionals of choice for Local and International Unions
To become the leader in the field of legislative changes necessary to protect membership
Target Membership
- Employed Physicians may be members of the The Guild, however, with its non-traditional limitations, they can not engage in collective bargaining.
- The Guild, can educate employed physicians in order to identify possible organizing “units”
- A separate Local must be used to initiate any organizing effort
Target Membership
- Employed Physicians may be members of The Guild; however, due to its non-traditional limitations, they can not engage in collective bargaining.
- The Guild can educate employed physicians to identify possible organizing “units”
- A separate Local must be used to initiate any organizing effort.
Traditional Vs. Non-Traditional
- Employed Physicians may be members of the The Guild, however, with its non-traditional limitations, they can not engage in collective bargaining.
- The Guild, can educate employed physicians in order to identify possible organizing “units”
- A separate Local must be used to initiate any organizing effort